Nod Ghosh

Creative Writing

Welcome to 'features'. This page showcases news items from the world of writing and includes interviews with authors.

  • Thanks to the organisers of the Peter Wells short story award associated with the SameSame But Different LGBT literary festival. This is taken from the judge’s report (1.3.25):

    General Comments

    Pip Adam & Jeffrey Buchanan

    Our sincere congratulations to all of the entrants in the 2025 Peter Wells Short Fiction Contest. Queer writing in Aotearoa is alive and well. Every single story was worthy of being entered into such a highly regarded contest. We took delight in delving into the stories with their respective / collective evidence of high quality

    writing and strong storytelling. We were genuinely impressed by the innovation, depth and variety of subject matter of the entries – all of them – which made selecting the finalists a challenging task. This being the tenth anniversary of the contest is an important milestone – with anniversary and milestone being the required themes to reflect this august

    occasion. Being able to celebrate Peter Wells’ grand accomplishment in elevating Queer writing in Aotearoa has been proven through the wide range of ingenious stories – itself a milestone in Kiwi literature – one for which we must acknowledge Peter’s legacy through the annual contest.

    Milestones and anniversaries conjure up both joyful and woeful experiences. The stories are spread fairly evenly along this continuum. As in past years, there were a significant number of paranormal stories, stories of love lost, gained, of its elusiveness.

    While it has been some forty years since the 1986 NZ Homosexual Law Reform Bill (thank you Fran Wilde and Helen Clark, et al), what emerges from many of the stories are various degrees of oppression, and of nervous tinged optimism. The continuing pressure on the rainbow community, or the savagery of its recalled instances, is a significant theme in the 2025 submissions. Yet, thankfully, defiance and strength are also, unequivocally, positive messages that accompany the negative twists and turns and reflections in the writers’ worlds. The winners and highly commended all reflect these often redemptive, celebratory, milestone

    messages, themes, and storylines.

    Once again, congratulations to each and every one of the writers, all of whom, we proudly note, hold that wonderful gift of being true literary creatives about which Peter Wells would be justly proud on this tenth anniversary.

    Open Section Winning Story:

    The Elimination Round - Julie Helean

    ‘The Elimination Round’ is a clever, multi-faceted story, sophisticated, elegantly written, embracing all of the elements required by the contest. It’s story line is real and convincing. It takes hold of the reader immediately. Nineteen-hundred words later it pushes the reader out with a sneer to the past and a redemptive snort at the future: the metaphors and nuances, shouts, the wonderful use of language - its rich vernacular - have secured the release of the Auckland bound lesbian, freed her at last from provincialism, eliminated for her the Church’s patriarchy, just as the Church has eliminated her for being a queer, a sinner. She is freed, the clutch of her oppressors at her back as she gives them all the fingers and heads for the big city.

    Runner Up:

    Queenstown Under Military Rule - Nod Ghosh

    “A time before Eduardo. A place far from here. A time I felt a man’s body grow cold beside mine. A place when brisance and detonation velocity were everyday parlance.” These lines from ‘Queenstown Under Military Rule’ lure the reader into a dark glimpse of an imagined future in Aotearoa. As the title so evocatively suggests illiberalism has returned, only cranked up, more terrifying than ever.

    Damien Levi, one of the 2024 judges, noted: Very few writers turned their gaze to the future. ‘Queenstown Under Military Rule’ takes that challenge and draws the reader into a fearful world of renewed oppression against the Queer Community

    on a future anniversary of the Marriage Equality Bill. This is a chilling story, beautifully rendered. Given what is happening globally, the judges feel this is a timely tale for our LGBTQI+ family with the writer insisting between the lines: Don’t get complacent.

    Promising Young Writer General Comments

    It’s hard to overstate how impressed we were with the stories in the Promising Young Writer category. Without exception, the stories were thrilling and compelling. While many of them dealt with the challenging issues we are experiencing as communities in the current moment there was a sense of resistance and celebration that wound through the works. The energy and invention of the stories was infectious. Together they represent a deep exploration of being young and queer in Aotearoa in 2025. Whether these experiences are described through stories of chimera and magic or keenly observed realism they all have something unique and urgent to say. It was exciting to see so many stories that seemed to support the idea that fun and play and love and sex are acts of resistance in times of challenge.

    Winning Story:

    after Troy Sivan - Ethan Christensen

    ‘after Troy Sivan’ is a wild ride and a battle cry. The energy of the writing thrilled us. This story grabs you by the hand and says, ‘Come on!’ without looking back. ‘after Troy Sivan’ has a focus that means we see the night in close-up. This point of view is incredibly satisfying in that it resists anything outside the joy of the experience. Although realist in nature this close-up, drugged up point of view means it reads almost like utopian fantasy. This is a good night which is chanted into being by the narrator. The theme of this year’s competition is celebration and above all else this is why we wanted to choose this story. It is not always easy to write an accomplished piece of fiction about the good times but ‘after Troy Sivan’ succeeds in the best way.

  • I recently judged the WestWord short story competition, in which writers used the theme “Light”.

    WestWord Short Story Prize, Judge’s Report

    I’d like to thank to Amanda Saint for inviting me to judge the WestWord Short Story Prize. I have read the shortlisted entries with interest, and extend my appreciation to all who submitted. There would be no competition or anthology without your contribution.

    The theme for this contest was Light, which was interpreted in an apt manner by most, without forcing its inclusion into their work.

    The entries that placed highest showed well-crafted writing. Language flowed fluently. Those who gave due consideration to musicality and rhythm of words produced the best results. Mixing sentence length, avoiding unnecessary repetition and using alliteration only when it enhanced patterning led to pieces that sounded better.

    Stories that featured a well constructed story arc, those that included sources of conflict or tension and ones using appropriate pacing worked well. Writers produced cohesive work when they referenced earlier elements in their denouement. Thoughtful characterisation where authors handled characters’ emotions in a balanced way led to a satisfying read.

    Authors who included speech to show character interactions typically relayed stories more effectively than those who told readers directly what happened. Dialogue worked best where it emulated real spoken words, engaged the reader and revealed emotion.

    Simile, where used, worked well when it blended with the tone of the piece. Evoking multiple senses strengthened writing, as did the use of distinct character voices.

    Authors who handled time well by choosing tense carefully, using flashback effectively and planning timeline to serve the story produced satisfying results.

    Some stories included interesting settings and accurately depicted era. While this is not essential for all writing, a clearer indication of time and place would have enhanced other pieces, provided it wasn’t forced into the story.

    With these features in mind, here are the top three stories for this competition.

    Winner: Starstruck by Geoff Mead

    Beautiful writing depicting an original idea. The dialogue is well executed and brings the piece to life. This author has crafted characters with care. The interplay between protagonist and secondary characters is compelling and heart-rending.

    The reader observes the main character evolve from not-quite-normal and sad to destructive bordering on sadistic, yet feelings for the woman he loves endure, even if he misconstrues what exists between them. This moving story includes startling imagery, and evokes the era convincingly. The piece interprets the theme well and resonates long after one finishes reading it.

    Second place: The Light, How it Falls by Keren Haneen

    Confident writing. This story includes interesting concepts, incorporating an excellent interpretation of the theme. The author includes tactile elements with success.

    Third place: Our Mum by Jeff Taylor

    A heart-warming story with a moving ending. The balance between the narrator displaying innocence and child-like characteristics and being thrust into an adult situation is managed well. His voice is established early on and maintained effectively. The author makes good use of the theme without forcing it into the story.


  • Many thanks to the organisers of the RAWA festival – Readers and Writers Akaroa – for a stimulating and varied programme last weekend.

    Thank you to Copyright Licensing NZ for their generous funding of fellowships that included four places reserved to support diversity and inclusion.

    The Ben Gough family foundation sponsored ten youth writers as well. (Thanks for sharing your lollies on the journey back, young writers!)

    Thanks to Chris Mengels at Bayleys Akaroa and Mel Dixon from the Hagley Writers' Institute for sponsoring and judging the inaugural RAWA flash fiction prize.

    The winning story “A Week of Stones” will appear in the forthcoming issue of “The Quick Brown Dog”, the journal of the Hagley Writers’ Institute in March 2025, along with a story I wrote in 2020 called “Chips for Tea”. (See entry below from 1.2.20 for how this story originated.)

    Some stones may have appeared on the Akaroa waterfront during the weekend. (10.11.24)

  • Here are a few more images from the flash fiction retreat in September, Casperia, Italy (7.10.24).

Nod Ghost with our teachers, Nancy Stohlman and Kathy Fish.

Group photo. As with all the others, this shot is courtesy of Laura Alexander, who ran in to the right of the group before the timer went off.


Dressed up for salon night.

Pasta making workshop

Love the way my sister Mithu is laughing her head off at something here.

  • I am at a flash fiction retreat with Nancy Stohlman and Kathy Fish in Casperia in Italy. Meeting cool people, and focussing on the craft (8.9.24)

  • Thanks to “Flash Frontier, an Adventure in Short Fiction” for including an article about stone painting in their Rock/Toka issue. (31.7.24)

  • National Flash Fiction Day approaches, and in New Zealand, we have had the festival of flash. Here is a discussion on “Want and Whimsy –Bringing Imagination to the Page”. (19.6.24)

  • My review of Menilik H. Dyer’s “A New Eden” and Alex Stone’s “Taken” appears in the current edition of Landfall Reviews (1.5.24).

  • Thanks to Morrin Rout on Plains FM for this interview about “The Two Tailed Snake”. (Begins at 42 mins, 15.2.24)

  • Thank you, Michelle Elvy and all at Flash Frontier, An Adventure in Short Fiction, for this interview about two of my recently released books. (21.12.23)

  • Many thanks to the University Bookshop Canterbury for hosting the launch of “The Two-Tailed Snake” (Fairlight Books) on Tuesday 14th November. It was a very warm evening, but the atmosphere was lovely. The savouries were provided by 29Sweets restaurant. Gail Ingram was M.C., Kathleen Gallagher provided the mihi and led the waiata. Guest readers: Jenna Heller and Heather McQuillan. (17.11.23)

  • Thank you, Rachel Doré for this interview at Manawatu People’s Radio. We talk about “The Two-Tailed Snake” among other things. (13.11.23).

  • Thanks to Saraid de Silva for the mention of “The Two-Tailed Snake” in this article in Kete Books (7.11.23)

  • (6.7.23)

  • “Throw a Seven” is due to be released by Reflex Press later this week. Thanks to Dave Borrowdale for publishing this novella-in-flash, which is based on local history, set in the mid nineteenth century. (12.6.23)

  • I reviewed Wilma Laryn’s “Tales from the Wood’s Edge” and Dame Fiona Kidman’s “So far, for now” for Landfall review. (12.6.23)

  • I attended the WORD literary festival in Christchurch last week. Standout events included workshops with Tracey Slaughter and Megan Dunn, plus The Faraway Near live Zoom sessions with David Mitchell and Emily St. John Mandel. (5.9.22)

  • I am pleased to announce Fairlight books have made an offer for “The Two-Tailed Snake”, a novella set in 1940s India. (10.7.22)

  • NZ National Flash Fiction Day are hosting an online festival of flash this year. Appreciate being asked to act as moderator for “Shaping Your Narrative”, which kicks off the events on Sunday 19th June 9.00 am NZ time. (13.6.22)

  • Happy to be judging a flash fiction competition for the South Island Writers’ Association (SIWA). 19.3.22

  • Latest novella-in-flash news: Very grateful to Dave Borrowdale at Reflex Press (UK), who will publish “Throw A Seven” in late 2022.

    This series of stories is based on events taking place in the nineteenth century in Cashmere, Christchurch, NZ.

    Meanwhile this year’s novella is re-drafted and ready to go out into the world. (20.12.21)

  • Thanks to Nancy Stohlman for coordinating “Flash Nano” for the tenth year. Nancy sends out a prompt every day for the month of November. Flash fiction pieces written to these may be shared and discussed in the FaceBook group.

    “Toy Train”, all three novellas in “Filthy Sucre” plus 2020’s unpublished “Throw a Seven” were all written to these prompts.

    This year’s novella-in-flash created from the linked stories is almost done.

    November is a busy month for me. I don’t get a lot of sleep! (29.11.21).

  • Plains FM broadcast the NZSA Heritage Literary Awards today (Sunday 31st) from last Friday (22nd Oct) at the Church of St Michael and All Angels. Click here the podcast of powhiri, judges' reports, and readings. (Short fiction, including a reading from ‘Angelina’s Clowns’ is at 24 minutes)


  • “Toy Train” has its first review. Many thanks to Susan Borgersen. (29.10.21)

  • Thanks to the Canterbury branch of the New Zealand Society of Authors and judge Jane Higgins for placing my short story “Angelina’s Clowns” second in the Heritage Literary short story competition. Cheers too, to Scorpio books for the gift voucher. (22.10.21)

  • Along with Truth Serum Press, I am extremely proud to announce the release of 'Toy Train'.

    'Toy Train' is now available in three formats:

    paperback -

    ePub -

    Kindle -

    “A boy named Peter arrives on a train … and Sally’s life is changed forever. In a series of tiny stories, Sally reveals what Peter has stolen from her. But there’s another voice. Peter’s voice. Because he hasn’t really done anything wrong. Has he? Years later, Sally uses another train to show Peter the cost of his actions. But is it enough to teach him right from wrong? This story could happen anytime, anywhere. Toy Train … when games are not what they seem to be.”

    For tastes of 'Toy Train', click here:


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  • Thanks to the organiser and judge of the heritage literary awards for shortlisting ‘Angelina’s Clowns' in the 2021 awards.

  • Here’s my review for “Hailman” by Lianne Radojkovich (Emma Press), which was launched at the Auckland Writers’ Festival in May. (25.8.21)

  • I am delighted to announce that Nadine Rubin Nathan from High Spot Literary agency will be representing my work. (19.8.21)

  • Morrin Rout interviews Rachael King on Plains FM about the forthcoming WORD literary festival in Christchurch, followed by an interview with Alison Wong about “A Clear Dawn”, which is to be featured at the event in August. (28.7.21)

  • Alison Wong is interviewed by Kathryn Ryan on RNZ about “A Clear Dawn”, the Aotearoa Asian anthology. Learn where the title comes from, and how contributors were selected. (13.5.21)

  • Thank you, Theressa Malone for this interview at 'Headland'. (28.4.21)

  • Here are my thoughts on my recent 'readers in residence' experience at the prestigious publication 'SmokeLong Quarterly'. (12.3.21)

  • Funny! My domain still exists, despite the friendly emails I have been receiving warning me it would close within 24 hours if I didn’t act. Such a shame I didn’t have time to click on the convenient links they provided to help me through the process. Perhaps they would like to knock me over the head with a frying pan and steal my purse instead? (6.3.21)

  • I’m currently reading for UK National Flash Fiction day, and Smokelong Quarterly. Here is an interview with Diane Simmons from UK NFFD. (2.2.21)

  • The Hagley Writers’ Institute has been a great starting place for creative writing. I attended their awards ceremony on 3.12.20. Some really great readings by students (6.12.20)

  • An honour to act as judge for the 16th Bath flash fiction award. Read about it here. (1.11.20)

  • A short prose historical fiction: 'Season of Seven Summers' has been shortlisted in the New Zealand Heritage Literary Awards. This piece draws on local history from the road I live on in Cashmere. (13.10.20)

  • A thought provoking article from Anne Kennedy, as we approach Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day. And how about this for a suggestion: "National Poetry Day should replace Queens Birthday as a public holiday." Thanks for the shout out too, Anne. (19.8.20)

  • Here is an interview from Bath Flash Fiction ahead of judging the forthcoming October 2020 round of the competition. (1.7.20)

  • Thanks to Morrin Rout at Plains FM for this interview about “Filthy Sucre”, which was published this year by Truth Serum Press. (24.6.20)

  • “My Mother Had a Stone” will appear in the UK National Flash Fiction Day anthology, “Root, Branch, tree'“, launched today. This reading is to celebrate its birth. (7.6.20).

  • It’s National Flash Fiction Day in New Zealand soon. Celebrated with readings from recently published flash fiction books. “The Beginning and The End” is from “Filthy Sucre”. (7.6.20)

  • Here’s what Zoë Meager has to say about “Filthy Sucre”:

    “. . . As binge-worthy as anything on Netflix, you’ll only mistake this collection for a quick read until the poetic nuggets start hitting you right between the eyes.

    These novellas echo and bounce off each other, full of mystery, heartbreak, beauty, and the sheer gnarliness of being human.

    Having drawn these awful, gorgeous characters, Ghosh is a tender observer of people being kind and brave, rebelling, giving in, and doing some very shitty things to each

    other . . .”

    ~ Zoë Meager, winner of the Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize, Pacific Region, 2013

The new collection. Christchurch launch 18th April 2020. Details to follow.

The new collection. Christchurch launch 18th April 2020. Details to follow.

  • “Filthy Sucre” is available in paperback. Many thanks to Truth Serum Press. (27.2.20).

  • Very close to the release date for three novellas-in-flash in “Filthy Sucre” (23.2.20).

  • Thanks, Judy Darley, for this detailed review of “With One Eye on the Cows”, the latest anthology from Bath Flash Fiction Award. Appreciate the mention of “A FInite Dragon”. (19.2.20).

  • I don’t often post unpublished stories here. However this one was written to a prompt provided by a comment below a piece of music on YouTube, and I felt it needed a home. It’s called ‘Chips for Tea’. (1.2.20).

  • UPDATE ‘Chips for Tea’ will appear in the forthcoming issue of “The Quick Brown Dog”, the journal of the Hagley Writers’ Institute, in March 2025. Forever grateful to Christopher on YouTube for his moving inspiration. (10.11.24).

  • Very pleased to see Eileen Merriman’s ‘Moonlight Sonata’ long-listed for the Ockhams this year. (Jan 2020)

  • ‘Filthy Sucre’, three novellae-in-flash, is scheduled for release in early 2020. (15.12.19).

  • There might be some more news soon about more stories heading this way. Watch this space. (19.10.19).

  • Thanks to Charmaine Wilkerson for mentioning “The Crazed Wind” in this interview. (9.9.19).

  • I am waiting at the beautiful Tūranga central library in Christchurch for a ‘Best Picks’ session for the New Zealand Book Awards for Children. Hoping ‘Invisibly Breathing’ by Eileen Merriman will do well at the event in Wellington tonight. (7.8.19)

  • Here is the judge’s report for this year’s Takahē short story competition. There were many outstanding stories. (6.8.19)

  • I attended the Bath Flash Fiction Festival at Trinity College Bristol from Fri 28th to Sun 30th June. I’d need to write an essay to cover all the wonderful experiences I had: the readings, workshops, meeting vast numbers of people I ‘know’ online, and they they are real friends, and of course the legendary karaoke. Also, I had the opportunity to run a workshop and take part in a presentation about New Zealand fiction. Many thanks to Jude Higgins and the team. (5.7.19).

  • Many thanks to Sandra Arnold at Takahē for this review of ‘The Crazed Wind’. (19.4.19)

  • National Flash Fiction Day UK anthology list is out. So many friends are included, and this year, I have a story in there too. Thanks to Tino Prinzi and the team. (16.4.19)

  • Takahē Short Story Competition

    We had about 187 short stories up to 2500 words long submitted to this contest. Judging has been a very informative experience. There are some astoundingly good stories in there. Results will be published in the August edition. (11.4.19)

  • Sejo

    My maternal uncle died on the 15th March 2019. Remembering how we would collaborate and write stories together, and how he supplied me with details about our family history. (11.4.19)

  • Kakima

    Kakima lies in a hospital bed. Her head rests on starch-stiff pillows that cradle her dreams.

    Messages of love filter from around the globe. They come and go through crackling phones. They travel via ley lines and Internet connections. They are reflected through the eyes of the seventeen different Gods and their avatars.

    Kakima drifts in and out of consciousness. She is sedated to keep her comfortable. When she speaks, her words are filtered through the haze of her sickness.

    Kakima's hair is silvered with age, her beauty redrawn as befits the passage of time.


    Fifty-five years ago, Kakima stepped from a boat into my life. I met my aunt through curtains of shyness, was told to call her Kakima − a father's brother's wife. She handed me a pink rabbit toy. Kakima knew how to make me smile.

    Her family lived with us before moving south. I saw Kakima often. They visited us, or we went to them. I remember floor beds folded from checked blankets, long drives in a cream-coloured Austin Cambridge. Shared meals of khitchuri, unfamiliar and hard to stomach. Kakima added a pinch of magic and made everything palatable.

    Later when troubled times took me away from my family Kakima was steadfast. Her hand-written letters came regularly, filled with the latest news and reflections of her past life in India. She showered praise when no one else noticed, her encouragement a welcome relief.

    Kakima said I should start writing. When I asked her why, she told me it was because I shared a birthday with William Shakespeare. You didn't have to try hard to please Kakima. An accident of birth was enough.

    I write this for her now. (11.2.19)


  • There are some intriguing titles amongst the long-listed entries for this year’s Bath flash fiction novella-in-flash award. One of mine is amongst them. (9.2.19)

  • This interview by Sandra Arnold covers how she co-founded ‘Takahē’ magazine in 1989, amongst other things. (9.2.19)

  • Here’s in interview on ‘Plains FM’ with Morrin Rout about the origins of ‘The Crazed Wind’ (Truth Serum Press). Thank you, Morrin (18.9.18)

  • That book’s been up to no good again.

    Find out what it’s been doing here.


  • WORD festival Christchurch. I was lucky enough to manage a few days off work, so I could attend several events at our biennial literary festival. A highlight was 'Starry Starry Night' on Friday, with readings from Scottish poet Robin Robertson, a spoken word performance by UK YouTube favourite Hollie McNish and a description of how his latest book was almost something entirely different, by Auckland writer Rajorshi Chakraborti. Congratulations to organiser Rachael King on another outstanding event. (5.9.18).

  • Review of 'Plum' by Hollie McNish (Picador Press)

A delicious book that tickles your tongue as effectively as the fruit that gives the volume its title.


McNish is famed for her spoken word pieces. Some are satirical. Most are politically astute.


I was curious to see how her powerful rhythmic style translated into the written form.


Despite the faux naif simplicity, make no mistake, this work has been crafted with wit and intelligence.


In 'Plum' the author pays tribute to her younger self, the early writer, or the child-poet. This makes the work instantly relatable. For readers who wanted people to listen to them when they were younger, here is someone being listened to.


Most of the pieces are written in the first person. Those that aren't, retain a proximity to the narrator. Make no mistake, this is Hollie we are reading about, she tells us so in several places. We learn about her family, her insecurities, irreverence, her schooldays. There is teen love, sex, both safe and unsafe. We see how McNish saw herself as frozen in her youth, and how she despises the Disney enterprise Frozen. We are taken on a tour around her body. We learn while her daughter does, how the incumbent Prime Minister inserted his penis into the mouth of a dead pig.


Even if what we're reading is a fiction, the artifice is maintained effectively throughout.


McNish was the recipient of the Ted Hughes award in 2017. 'Plum' demonstrates why this writer deserves the accolade and many more besides.


  • Review of 'West' by Carys Davies (Text Publishing):

After reading Carys Davies' short story collection, 'The Travellers & Other Stories', I was excited to discover her debut novel 'West'. The work was completed with support from a Culman Fellowship at the New York Public Library in 2016/7.


I was surprised to find 'West' was a novella-sized slim volume. Yet it became apparent within a few pages, this story bears the weight and complexity of any novel. Davies weaves together the world inhabited by tangible characters with masterful ease.


The setting shows evidence of the author's careful research, though at no point is the story over-embellished with detail.


'West' follows protagonist Cy Bellman on a quest across the vast American continent in the early years of European settlement. He searches for gigantic creatures, the only clues to their existence petrified skeletons found by earlier explorers. Bellman's actions have consequences for his young daughter Bess, and ultimately to the man himself.


Davies narrates using multiple points of view, occasionally shifting to the omniscient, in a style reminiscent of Eleanor Catton's voice in 'The Luminaries'. The approach helps evoke a feel for the era.


The untitled chapters are short, but not stark. An epic physical and personal journey of this nature could lend itself to an extravagant word use, but Davies' language shows compression without lacking emotional depth.


What are the underlying themes? Is this a story about foolish quests, heroic exploration or apostasy? Is it a commentary on the consequences European settlement has for native inhabitants? Is it all of these things?


Read the book to find the answer.


You won't regret it.



  • Thanks to TSS Publishing and Sandra Arnold for this interview about flash and other related subjects. (23.8.18)

  • Thanks to Christchurch author Helen Lowe for this feature on 'The Crazed Wind' (Truth Serum Press) on her website. (20.8.18)

78 Reading at launch.JPG
  • Heather McQuillan acted as M.C. Teoti Jardine provided karakia, We had readings from Mel Dixon and Monique Schoneveld following an Indian theme. Thanks to Fiona McLeod for the pictures.

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  • 'The Crazed Wind' (Truth Serum Press) had its launch at the University Bookshop tonight. (16.8.18)

  • Frankie McMillan from the Hagley Writers' Institute invited me back to the classroom today, so I could talk about the experience of heading out into the writing world, and how my novella-in-flash, 'The Crazed Wind' (Truth Serum Press) came to exist.

  • "The Crazed Wind" (Truth Serum Press), my novella-in-flash inspired by visiting my father in India in 2002 is now out. We celebrate the launch at the University Bookshop in Christchurch on Thursday 16th August at 5.30. Thanks to UBS, Matt Potter, Eileen Merriman, Nancy Stohlman, Deb Wiiliams, Mits and Bob Ghosh. (8.8.18)

  • Many thanks to Sue Reidy and the New Zealand Society of authors for a very comprehensive and helpful manuscript assessment for the novel, "Paper Prison". (8.8.18)

  • 'The Crazed Wind', novella-in-flash, is available to order from Truth Serum press (28.7.18) :

  • Thanks to Matt Potter at 'Truth Serum Press' for accelerating the release of 'The Crazed Wind'. There's some 'tasters' up on the TSP site. It should be available for purchase soon. You can read what other writers had to say about it here. (28.6.18, updated 6.7.18)

  • 'Paper Prison' is recipient of a completeMS manuscript assessment from the New Zealand Society of authors. The assessor has yet to be selected. Thanks NZSA, Creative New Zealand and all the people who helped, especially Finn Justice Ghosh. Here is a feature showing the profiles of all the recipients. (26.6.18, updated 6.7.18)

  • Thanks to Ingrid Jendrzejewski for a little mention in this interesting interview, as she acts as judge for the TSS Flash 400 summer competition. (10.6.18).

  • Thanks to Matt Potter at Truth Serum Press, who is putting together my novella-in-flash, "The Crazed Wind". It should be available around August. Appreciate the feedback coming through from the various readers who are contributing "blurbs" to go in the book.

Here's what the book's about: 

The Crazed Wind

When monsoon rains arrive, many people experience a temporary madness. Released from the oppressive heat and humidity that precede the reversal of the winds, they dance in the streets.

After being ostracised for many years, a woman who has lived amongst Europeans most of her life travels to India to be reunited with her father.

In The Crazed Wind, the narrator unravels the cultural incongruities that lead to exile. Father and daughter adjust to the reversal in attitudes, while the rain pounds down around them.

We step into the world of a proud old man and discover how his outlook is shaped by one of history's forgotten tragedies, the Partition of India in 1947.

In a series of linked stories we encounter a young bride who embroiders a flower but leaves one petal blank, sisters who can conjure silver and gold from thin air, cannibalistic fish, a woman who soaks her dentures in sherry, a bohemian uncle, medicine that tastes like fish, an embrocation for successful marriage, people who are really fruits and birds who are really people. 


  • I was lucky enough to pick up a copy of Celia Coyne's mantra book at the weekend:

Essential Mantras for Everyone - Celia Coyne

Celia Coyne is known for her short stories and flash fiction that have appeared in anthologies and on-line publications. She has also written or contributed chapters to non-fiction books in her specialist areas of natural history and health.

In "Essential Mantras for Everyone", Coyne branches out and creates a book designed to fill a gap in the market.

I came across this publication while searching for a gift for someone, and treated myself to a copy at the same time.

The tiny book achieves what it sets out to do, i.e.: to serve as a concise introduction to the use of mantras. It is accessible. Coyne's succinct descriptions allow the reader to be transported to a calming zone, where the mind is soothed and healed.

The author's stunning photography completes the package.

A perfect gift for someone whose life you want to enhance. (22.5.18)

  • I'm about a quarter of the way through a new novel called 'Echo Valley', which I began on holiday in Rarotonga at the end of last month. Based in present day Christchurch, with flashbacks to the earlier part of the century, 'Echo Valley' examines the dysfunctional relationship between two brothers. Currently at that stage where the flawed protagonist is running around in my head and demanding a little compassion. (20.5.18).

  • Been working with Matt Potter at 'Truth Serum Press', hoping to put together something that weaves angst, rain, personified fruits and vegetables against a backdrop of the Partition of India in 1947. Oh, and more rain. Lots of it. (May 2018)

  • Thanks to 'North and South' Magazine for placing 'Different Fathers' as one of the runners up in their short short story competition. Writer friends Sue Kingham (1st) and Zoë Meager (runner up) were also placed in this competition. Also 'Alternative Bindings for placing 'Way Out West' equal first in their short story competition. (11.2.18).

  • 2nd February 2018: Excited to discover my story 'Different Fathers' has been shortlisted (short-shortlisted?) in the 'North and South Magazine' short short story competition. If you like Barry Manilow, you may or may not identify with this piece. Find out, if they decide the publish all the short listed flash fictions.

  • 9th January 2018: Thanks to Jude Higgins for the mention in this interview about flash fiction in Smokelong Quarterly.

  • 18th December 2017: I have reached that point where I'm two chapters away from finishing the first draft of 'Paper Prison'. It's quite debilitating, as all I want to do is stay at home and write, while all the timelines and threads and loose ends are floating about in my head. I have booked a day off work tomorrow, and hope I haven't forgotten vital facts like how old the various generations of the family of characters are in the different time lines. Hopefully, it contributes to the plasticity of my neurones, rather than making me into a neurotic wreck.

  • Thanks to Jude Higgins at Bath Flash Fiction Award for this interview about writing, hoarding and other stuff. (4.12.17)

  • Honoured to have been given the chance to judge a poetry competition for the South Island Writers' Association last night. Not quite sure how the rumour about my knowing anything about poetry arose.


  • Just over halfway through the novel 'Paper Prison'. (10.11.17).

19 Paper Tower 2017-07-05 at 5.20.46 pm.png
  • Enjoyed reading at the Canterbury Poets' Collective on 18th October.

  • Truth Serum Volume II 'Wiser' available now. Includes my story 'Miss Palmerston's Ring'. (13.9.17)

  • As solstice approaches, it's time to enjoy brief stories to go with the short hours of (Southern) light or (Northern) darkness. My story 'Umnath' will be up on Flash Flood at 14.40 (BST) on 24th June 2017.

  • So pleased to see Eileen Merriman's novel 'Pieces of You' taking off into the world of Young Adult classics. 'Flash Frontier' interviews Eileen about the novel and the writing process here.

  • Also, read Dionne Cristian's article on issues covered in 'Pieces of You' in the 'New Zealand Herald'. 10.6.17

  • Jake Bailey's book, 'What Cancer Taught Me' was released today. Here is my review. (15.5.17)

  • Here's more about the new Flash Fiction on Helen Lowe's site.

  • Here's a link outlining details for Hysteria's flash fiction competition. Writer in residence Alex Reece Abbott invited people in the flash field to provide some suggestions to help authors submitting entries. (9.4.17)

  • There is a small rodent in my stomach doing backflips. I think it is called excitement. Never thought I'd have work on a long list of a Bath Flash Fiction competition. Their inaugural novella in flash competition long list was announced 21.3.17. I can't tell you which title is mine yet, but check out some of the cool titles in the list. Makes me want to read them all. :)

  • An odd week for creativity. The Port Hills fires have been raging, and then smouldering. Hard to critique, proofread or write when helicopters trailing monsoon buckets are flying past the window. (18.2.17)

  • Thanks to 'FewerThan500' magazine for this interview (1.2.17).

  • Many thanks to judge Dr. Abigail Favale, Aurore Lebas and the team at 'Brilliant Flash Fiction' for including 'The In-Tray, Five Thousand and Nine' in the shortlist for their 'Aftermath' flash competition. (27.1.17)

  • Congratulations to Sam Averis, web-maestro from 'Flash Frontier' on winning the Margaret Mahy award at the Hagley Writers' Institute.

  • Looking forward to the December 16 issue of Flash Frontier, featuring micro fiction up to 100 words, and a roundtable discussion with authors of the top three stories from June's micro features at 'National Flash Fiction Day'.

  • Early in the twentieth century, a young woman called Prativa embroidered a lotus, but deliberately left it unfinished. You can read the story about Prativa, my grandmother, in 'Long Exposure' magazine.

  • Read the inaugural on-line issue of Takahē arts magazine here. I was honoured to be asked to submit for the guest fiction spot. Some contributors will be reading at the 'Twisted Hop' tonight. (10.8.16).


  • Congratulations to Eileen Merriman (see interview below), on signing a contract with Penguin Random House for her young adult novel "Pieces of You". (12.7.16)

  • New Zealand National Flash Fiction Day events are underway. Various celebrations across the country on 22nd June. Click here for the competition shortlist. Have a look at the "Micro Madness" entries too whilst you're on the site.


  • Shelby Allan is a student at Christchurch's School for Young Writers. She talks about her craft.

interview with shelby allan

  • Vivienne Plumb was my supervisor at the Hagley Writers' Institute in 2014, and has kindly agreed to to be interviewed.

interview with vivienne plumb


  • Tākahe magazine will be launching its first on-line issue in August. Meanwhile, I've been enjoying the April issue.

  • 'LEAVING THE RED ZONE' earthquake anthology launched tonight, 29.2.16. Listen to editors Joanna Preston and James Norcliffe interviewed on RNZ at the weekend here.

  • Frankie McMillan, author, poet, teacher, speaks about her writing.

interview with frankie mcmillan

  • Flash Frontier open for submissions: the theme is "Dance".



  • Norman Bilbrough award winning author who has been published over many years talks about his craft.

interview with norman bilbrough


  • Heather McQuillan talks about her project with migrant kids, and the importance of liaising with other writers in the latest interview. Click on the link below:

interview with heather mcquillan


  • Here is the second interview, with PATRICK PINK. Patrick's work has frequently appeared in Flash Frontier, and several other literary sites. Click below for further details.

interview with patrick pink


  • A decision has been made to stop publishing a poem in "The Press" in Christchurch. How do you feel poetry figures in everyday life for the general public

  • Click on the link below for more thoughts, and send a message via 'contacts' with your comments.

  • How do you feel poetry figures in the everyday lives of ordinary people? Dec 15.

  • More thoughts on the poem in the press


  • Here is the first interview with EILEEN MERRIMAN. Eileen has been my critique partner for nearly three years. She is a talented writer and has enjoyed a great deal of success in recent competitions in New Zealand and beyond 30.11.15.


  • Click on the link below:

interview with eileen merriman


Hello, I'm Nod.

Hello, I'm Nod.