Nod Ghosh

Creative Writing


Nod Ghosh lives in Christchurch, New Zealand, and completed a creative writing course at the Hagley Writers' Institute.

Listen to readings of some of my stories on my YouTube channel.

Nod’s novels are represented by Nadine Rubin Nathan at High Spot Literary.

Nod's flash fiction, short stories and poems have appeared in the New Zealand publications, JAAM, Landfall, North and South Magazine, Takahē, Headland and Flash Frontier.

Nod's work also appears in London Grip, Connotation Press, Blue Fifth Review, The Citron Review, Spelk Fiction, The Airgonaut, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Fictive Dream, Peacock Journal, MiNDFOOD, Pure Slush and many other international publications.

“The Two-Tailed Snake”, a novella set in 1940s India is published by Fairlight Books, as part of their Fairlight Moderns series, 14th September 2023.

Widely available in bookshops throughout the UK.

Available in New Zealand via PaperPlus:

The Two-Tailed Snake

Fairlight Books

July 23: New from Truth Serum Press “Love. Lemons and Illicit Sex”

Love, Lemons and Illicit Sex

Truth Serum Press

A racy collection of 32 stories sexy, mad, crazy, ridiculous and at times, quite sad ...

Click below for links to
• the book's webpage:
• the paperback:
• the ePub eBook:
• the Kindle eBook:

Find 'tastes of Love, Lemons and Illict Sex' here:

Throw a Seven

Reflex Press

Reflex Press (UK) have published “Throw A Seven” – a series of stories set in nineteenth century in Christchurch, New Zealand. Available to order from the publisher now.

Also available as an e-book:

Toy Train

Truth Serum Press

The novella-in-flash “Toy Train” is available (11.10.21):

paperback -

ePub -

Kindle -

Filthy Sucre

Truth Serum Press

A collection of three novellae-in-flash ‘Filthy Sucre’ has been published by Truth Serum Press (27.2.20):

Click here to purchase.

Read samples from ‘Filthy Sucre’ here.

Comments about ‘Filthy Sucre’ (Truth Serum Press)

The Crazed Wind

Truth Serum Press

The Novella-in-Flash 'The Crazed Wind' was published by Truth Serum Press in July 2018: 

Click here to purchase.

Read samples from the novella-in-flash, 'The Crazed Wind' (Truth Serum Press) here.

Comments about 'The Crazed Wind' (Truth Serum Press)

For New Zealand Flash Fiction Day in June 2020, five women from New Zealand discuss poetic narrative and story.

Here is a reading from ‘Toy Train’, a novella-in-flash. Many thanks to Meg Pokrass and Francine Witte from Flash Fiction Z. (3.8.20)

Nod's flash fiction appears in the Bath Flash Fiction Award anthology The Lobsters Run Free and the  2017 UK anthology 'Sleep is a Beautiful Colour'.

A creative non-fiction piece is featured in the anthology Love on the Road 2015 (Liberties Press, Dublin.)

The novel The Iris Tattoo was completed with support from the late Norman Bilbrough through the New Zealand Society of Authors mentorship scheme.

Paper Prisona speculative novel was completed in 2018 The novel, and has been awarded a manuscript assessment by the NZSA (assessed by Sue Reidy).

Echo Valley, is contemporary adult fiction, and was completed in November 2018 .

Milk – a novel set in the UK in the 1980s – follows the lives of siblings Raju and Rina, in a world that isn’t ready for them. Completed July 2023.

Years ago, an aunt urged Nod to take up writing. On thanking the aunt for her perceptive insight, Nod was told, "Oh, it wasn't to do with your writing. You share a birthday with William Shakespeare. so I felt you ought to be a writer too."




  • Nod was interviewed by Jonathan Cardew at Connotation Press. Topics covered: Leeds, flatus-filtering knickers and sea creatures that look like 'anatomically accurate representations of female genitalia'.

  • Interview with Bath Flash Fiction Award, December 2017.

  • Interview on RNZ, Frankie McMillan talks about ‘Bonsai’ - Best small stories from Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • Interview with Morrin Rout on ‘Plains FM’ about the novella-in-flash ‘The Crazed Wind’ from Truth Serum Press.

  • Thanks Rajorshi Chakraborti and Landfall Reviews for this one.

  • Thanks to Sophie van Llewyn and TSS for including ‘The Crazed Wind’ in this essay on researching for historical novella-in-flash.

  • The forthcoming anthology, “Best Small Fictions” will include a story from ‘The Crazed Wind’. Very grateful to be considered for this prestigious publication.

  • Very pleased to have an interview on NZ author Kim Jackways’ blog.

  • “Wet Paint”, guest blog on Christchurch City Council Libraries site. A perilous journey through a city full of hazards.

  •   New Zealand National Flash Fiction Day 2022. Panel discussion on “Shaping Your Narrative”.

  • Thanks to Debbi Voisey for inviting me to be her featured reader, Mar 2023.

  • Thanks to the South Asian Flash Writers’ Group for inviting me as guest reader, April 2023.